Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
Feb 13, 2019
Maker Space@Hannaford Career Center
Feb 20, 2019
Of Grief, Garlic, and Gratitude Returning to Hope and Joy from a Shattered Life-Sam's Love Story
Feb 27, 2019
A topic to be selected by the District
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Bulletin Editor
Spence Putnam
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Vice President
Past President
International Service
Community Service
Club Service
Youth Exchange
7:15 am, Wednesday, February 13
Rosie's Restaurant
David Cole
Maker Space at Hannaford
Minutes of the Meeting of February 6, 2019
Judson Hescock
Pam Spatafora
Judy Robbins
John Zahn
Gary Sarachan
Simon Yiga
Troy Fox
Buzz and Kevin have birthdays this week.
District Grant--Betsy would very much like to have a district grant during her upcoming year as president.  The application is due at the end of April.  Anyone interested in helping should come to a brainstorming session at Juddy's office on Thursday, or see Betsy.
Baby Shower for Parent/Child Center--At our February 27 and March 6 meetings we will be collecting "baby shower" items for the Parent/Child Center, which provides services for children and young families.  Kathy circulated a sign-up sheet for contributions of items or gift certificates for young parents.
Finance Committee--Geoff reported that the Finance Committee has approved small grants (under $500) for the following organizations:  Quarry Hill School $100; Project Graduation at Middlebury Union High School $100; and $350 to Mary Hogan School toward a new hawk costume.
Nominating Committee--Nancy will head up a nominating committee to establish a slate of officers for next year (beginning in July, 2019).  Their first meeting will be immediately after next Wednesday's meeting.
International Exchange Program--Outbound exchange students for next year are invited to a breakfast in Waterbury from 8-11 on Saturday.  See Buzz for details.
T Tall conducted an induction ceremony in which he gave some details about the history and scope of Rotary International (1.2 million members in 34,000 clubs in over 200 countries).  Our new members are Troy Fox (sponsored by Nancy Foster), Gary Sarachan (Tim Hollander), and John Zahn (Geoff Conrad).
Scott--A big weekend coming up for hockey.
Maureen--Happy to see an article in the Addison Independent about Home Health.
Nancy--Thanks to Maureen and Geoff for the cocktail party last weekend.  Also, her husband was recognized with a national award for Innovative Farm of the Year.  And son-in-law David Cole will be running a Maker Fair on February 14.
Gary--Pleased to be a new member, and thanks to Tim for his encouragement.
Pam Spatafora--nice to be back among Rotarians again.
Tim--Welcome to Gary.
Ron--Welcome to his visiting fourth daughter, Judy Robbins.
Troy--Cabot celebrated its centennial with a penguin plunge, raised $25,000.
Neil--Middlebury women's basketball doing well.  The men are in first place in NESCAC.
Kathy--For the work Betsy is doing.
Bill Cunningham introduced Pam Spatafora from ACTR, who spoke to the club about the dial-a-ride program, which depends on volunteers to provide rides for 58,000 clients.  She is looking for more volunteers to keep this vital program going.  Mileage is paid, and several other benefits are offered to drivers.
Minutes Submitted by Spence Putnam