Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
Bulletin Editor
Spence Putnam
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Vice President
Past President
International Service
Community Service
Club Service
Youth Exchange
Next Meeting
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
7:15 am
Wednesday, December 5
Rosie's Restaurant
Club Assembly
Judson Hescock presided.
Guests:  None
Birthdays:  Rex Stratton.  He presented a check made out to the Rotary Foundation with a dollar for each birthday he has had.  He did not tell us the amount of the check. . .
Rotary Anniversaries: Steve Williams, one year.  Jack Brown, 55 years.
Merry Mulch--Dennis Poole is coordinating this annual event, based at Casella's.  Meet there at 7:45 am on Saturday, January 5.  Should not take more than 3-4 hours.
Holiday Party--Thanks to Nancy Foster for hosting, and Lyn DuMoulin for helping, to put on a very successful event.
Community Supper--Liz, Terry, and Chris did a great job leading this.  Thanks to them and the many volunteers who served some 226 meals and provided at least one gift for every person who attended.
Dues--Geoff reminded club members that 3rd quarter (or second half) dues are now payable.  Dues are $127.50 a quarter.
Geoff--At last, has his new hip.  Has joined a gym to keep in shape.
Tim--Got reconnected with a fellow Marine after 52 years.
Ben--heart-warming story about Haskell Free Library located directly on the international border in Derby Line, VT, where family members who have not seen each other in years have been having family reunions.
Liz--thanks to all the volunteers and the donors of gifts for the community supper.  Recipients were very touched by our generosity.
Eric--training sessions for the next group of presidents is about to launch.
Dennis--amazed at how many gifts Rotarians had donated for the supper.
T--his whole family was here for the holidays.  Also, working on a local Vet Center to support veterans suffering from PTSD.
Tom--Glad to see everybody.  Happy New Year.
Terry--ran into Tom with his son at the barber shop.
Spence--glad to see the end of 2018.
David--Goals for the New Year--find student(s) to go to Sherbrooke; Arrange for a community cleanup of the Bushey cemetery sometime in May.
Lyn--Let's get more women into the club.
Karl--agrees with Lyn.
Posing as Peter Sagal of NPR's popular quiz show, "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!," Juddy introduced Jeff Keimer as the contestant in the Rotary Program, "What, What, Don't Tell Me.  Jeff had to identify three Rotarians with special events in their distant pasts.  Jeff correctly identified all three mystery Rotarians, earning him Ron Hadley's voice on his home answering machine (assuming Ron agrees).  The Rotarians were Helmut (who gave Carolyn Kennedy ski lessons at Stowe in the 60s), T Tall (who outran a charging moose in the middle of the night), and Max Kraus (who was involved in installing closed circuit TV in a Cold War era secret emergency government location.