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Bulletin Editor
Sylvie Choiniere
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Vice President
International Service, RYLA
Rotary Foundation (At Large)
Membership Chair
Club Administration
Charitable Assessment
Youth Service
Immediate Past President
Community Service
  • September 20th - Rosie's (a la carte) 
PRESIDING: John Barstow
MINUTES OF September 13th, 2023 
Wedding Anniversary: Heather - 19 years 
Larry Jones
Fred Kenney
Robert Foster 


  • Paul – Friendship Breakfast 
    • The breakfast will take place on Wednesday, November 1st at the Middlebury Inn. Start talking to your friends and have them save the date.
  • Jason S – RYLA students (Sept 20th
    •  Students will be coming in during the Sept 20th meeting to talk about their experience and Sem, Exchange Student will be joining them 
  • Eric – Paul Harris Dinner – Nov 15
    • The dinner will take place at the Middlebury Inn on November 15th (Save the Date)
    • More information to come
  • Heather – Dues are due
    • Please reach out to Heather if you have any questions 
  • Geoff – HOPE Event
    • The last mobile food shelf will be on September 14th in Shoreham (Thank you to everyone who volunteered)
  • Mike – Auction -October 
    • Rotary Auction Sign up Sheet - Google Sheets is live and once you have signed up, you may start your solicitations. Please see Mike to get new brochures and gift cards. When using Rotary gift cards when the donor does not have one of their own, they must be filled out entirely and signed by the donor!
    • The Auction will take place from October 9th – October 22nd and the goal is to increase the total raised from $11,000 --> $15,000
  • Rebecca - Car Show Event - October 15th
    • If you are interested in volunteering during a shift – please reach out to Rebecca. This would be a great space to talk about Rotary, Friendship Breakfast and Polio Awareness. 
  • Jason L – Lindale Project Sept 23rd
    • Jason is looking for 6-8 people to help with the playground service project on September 23rd. If you have a wheelbarrow, please bring it! 
  • Eric – World Polio Day 
    • We will likely promote this with the Car Show to bring awareness to Polio and the work Rotary is doing 
Fines and Happy Dollars:
  • Late – Lyn and Liz M
Happy Dollars: 
  • Mike was happy that his nephew came to visit from Michigan for the week 
  • Jack mentioned that Max and his wife gave a great presentation about a one room schoolhouse 
  • Heather was happy about her wedding anniversary 
  • David announced the opening night for the Opera Show “Glory Denied” saga of Colonel Jim Thompson will be on September 27th
  • John announced the Addison Housing Rocks event on Friday, September 15th
Guest Speaker: Bram Kleppner
Bram has served on the Vermont Tax Structure Commission and the Governor's Business Advisory Council on Health Care Financing, and for five years was co-chair of Vermont Medicare & Exchange Advisory Board. He is a graduate of both Middlebury College and the University of Vermont. Bram talked about the how Net-Zero is a great start to being supporting our climate. He then talked about what “long-termism” to climate change means to people: 1)   Future people matter 2) There are many future people 3) what we do now impacts their happiness. Therefore, if we care, we should do something about it! 
At Danforth, they are aiming for Net-Zero, but doing it as they can. It is hard as the technology is not there yet and they are still need oil for casting and the furnace. In addition to the business case, there is the ethical case in which they do not want to put stuff in the air that kids would breathe. Danforth highlights their environmental values and reinforces their relationship with customers.
Bram talked about what makes Danforth appealing to staff. Based on national employee satisfaction surveys, the number 1 reason people are proud of where they work is because of flexibility. Bram indicated that sick kiddos at home is not a crisis, just a kid that needs their parent. They work hard to be flexible for their staff and make it a place people are proud of! 
Bram further talked about trying to be environmentally friendly with products and trying new things, but making an effort to support the climate. “The antidote to despair is action.” 
There were questions about trying to base the infrastructure for electricity and wondering if solar is the only solution. Currently, solar is not the only solution, and the state of VT is looking at other options including wind (controversial-ish) and hydropower in Canada. VT is not there yet, but slowly working towards it. The technology is every evolving and the federal government has put a lot of money into trying new solutions. 
Bram then talked about the new Pottery business they have entered. They were looking to offer new products and try to mix pottery and pewter – so they researched different business to partner with after finding the right one…the company offered to sell to Danforth. They are a small business with 4-5 potters and were looking to sell to the right owner as they were looking to retire. This will be a new dimension for Danforth, but they are looking forward to new things to adapt to their consumers. 
Thank you, Bram. 
Cow Tag – 43, Larry Jones