The Rotary Club of Middlebury, Vermont is a volunteer service organization whose members donate their time and resources to help others in the community and throughout the world.  The club was chartered March 1, 1927.

Our motto is "Service Above Self"

We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 7:15 a.m.
Rosie's Restaurant
886 Rt 7 South
Middlebury, VT 05753
United States of America
We encourage guests to come to our meetings! We have a few different meeting locations, so please feel free to contact us through our facebook page or email us at rotaryclubofmiddlebury@gmail.com.
Home Page Stories
The Middlebury Rotary Club partnered with IPJ Real Estate, Friends of Middlebury Football, and Friends of Middlebury Hockey to purchase and donate AED units to the Middlebury Police Department. AED Units—or Automated External Defibrillators—are devices that can help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. The town’s fleet of cruisers now all have AED units installed and available in emergencies.
Another successful Merry Mulch in the books. 
Every year, Middlebury Rotary club joins Casella Waste Management and some volunteers from the MUHS football team to gather discarded Christmas trees around Middlebury and East Middlebury. These trees are then used to create mulch. Big thanks to Middlebury Bagel & Deli for keeping us caffeinated and fed before hauling out the trees!
Happy New Year from your friendly neighborhood Rotarians! We like to celebrate by helping our friends at Hope pack school lunches for kids around Addison County, and then we wind down with our yearly holiday party where there will usually be some shenanigans 🙂
DON'T FORGET- Saturday is our annual "Merry Mulch". If you live in Middlebury, put your trees out on the curbside Friday night or early Saturday morning, and a team of Rotarians and the folks at Casella will come and pick them up between 8am and 10am, this Saturday the 4th.
JOIN us this Sunday, 20 October for the first annual Middlebury Rotary Polio Walk, a walk to promote awareness of and eradication towards polio!
The walk will be a total of 2 miles around Middlebury and will begin at 1pm on Town Triangle Park, registration begins at 12:30. Please use this link to register or give a donation. 
Adults- $20
Students- $10
Under 12- Free
ALL PROCEEDS benefit the "End Polio Now" Campaign. 
Did you know ?
Rotary, along with partners such as the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, has managed to reduce polio byt 99% worldwide since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979. Rotarians have helped immunize more than 2 billion children against polio in 122 countries, including two members of the Rotary Club of Middlebury who have helped immunize children in India. 
The Club's 16th annual online auction raised $9,230 for local and international projects thanks to the 108 bidders who placed 795 bids.
Those of you who won gift cards and certificates will receive them in the mail over the next week.
To schedule a time to pick up your item, email Mike at rotaryclubofmiddlebury@gmail.com
The club fielded two teams, A & B, for the Counseling Service of Addison County's annual bocce fundraiser Saturday, September 14 at the Middlebury Rec field.   Bill C. MC'd the morning and members participated on several teams.  Joining each Rotary team were friends of the club.
A shout-out to Team B (Jim, Neil, Mike, and Eric) for their 1 point lead in the championship Service play-off. 
From left to right: Jason, Fred, Jim, Neil, Bill, David, Mike, and Eric.
Club members sanded and stained a donated play center for Atria at the HOPE building on Boardman Street.
A fence and mulch will be added.
L to R: David, Jim, Evie, Eric, Ben, Jenn, Liz, and Jason.
The five students of Middlebury Union High School who attended this year's RYLA (Rotary Youth Leaders Awards) camp at Vermont State University - Lyndon campus last June shared their experiences with the club. From left to right are Jason, RYLA coordinator, Matty, Navah, Alixis, Sawyer, and Maya.
Our thanks to Jason and Sarah, Post-Secondary Planning Coordinator at MUHS, for making RYLA available for these future leaders.
Club members were aided by three members of the Vermont Old Cemetery Association Saturday, July 20, when they collected debris cut by the town’s public work’s crew at the Washington Street Cemetery. Once the vegetation is under control, work to up right and clean the stones will begin next year.
Left to right: Tom, Larry, Alex, Rachel, Paul, Gabby, Ben, and David.  Tom, Rachel and Gaby came from Burlington to help.     Photo by neighbor Patty.
On Wednesday, the Middlebury Rotary club gathered for our annual change over dinner. This is a celebration of the past year, and a preparation for the upcoming year as we welcome our new President, Paul. Pictured is '23-'24's immediate past president Spence, the '23-'24 President John.
John with Sem, our Rotary Exchange student. Sem read the club a note from his mother, and he told us all about his trip out to the West Coast.
New President Paul with member Dennis and past District Governor, Eric. 
On Wednesday, we welcomed two new members: Jennifer, sponsored by Jason, our Community Service Projects leader; and Elise, sponsored by Max. Jennifer has already been to several meetings and at least one service project, and Elise joins us as a way to follow in her father's footsteps, who was a Rotarian during World War II. We are so happy to have them join our club and cannot wait to see their potential. Welcome, Jennifer & Elise!
Middlebury Rotary club marches in the Parade every year, after a busy weekend of putting up flags for the first time since November. We look forward to this celebration every year! Thanks to all who have served our country, past present and future. 
The trees we planted in 2018 at the Rec Park are in full bloom.  Visible in the background is a portion of the playground we built in 2021.
Anson Tebbetts, Vermont Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets, spoke to the club May 8.
His son is a student at Middlebury College and his daughter will be a freshman at MC next fall. 
We may be seeing more of Sec Tebbetts in the years to come.
Birders will recognize Anson as the host of a weekly birding program called For the Birds on WDEV radio in Waterbury.
5 volunteers = 10 bags
A mighty crew of members and friend cleaned the Frog Hollow parking lot and the area beneath and along side the Cross Street bridge.  A most satisfying morning topped with coffee at Otter Creek Bakery.
From left to right: Paul, David, Lyn, Bill, and Sarah.
The Dutch family of Rotary exchange student Sem are visiting Middlebury.  Welcoming them to a club meeting were (left to right) Nancy, Liz, Grace (mother), Evie (father), Sem, Heather, and Ben.
Every year our club participates in the Rotary District Speech Contest for high school students.  The purpose of the contest is to help youth, community and Rotarians to understand, encourage and foster the principles and values of Rotary.
The first round, at the club level, was held January 24.  Two students from Middlebury Union High School, Maggie Morter and Cora Bliven, participated with the assistance of MUHS faculty member Tara Martin.  Maggie was chosen to advance to the next round.
The finals will be held at District 7850's annual conference Saturday, April 20, 2024 at Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee, VT.  The winner will receive $1,750 and the runner up will receive $1,500.
Our congratulations to both students.
Pictured are (left to right) President John, Maggie, Tara, Cora, and Youth events co-ordinator Jason.
for further information about the speech contest, see:
Our annual gathering of Christmas trees had great timing this year.  A day before the snow fell.
With help from Casella (thank you, Dennis), Monument Farms (thank you, Pete), and MUHS students (thank you, Coach Malcolm), we cleaned up the town.
Members of the MUHS football and soccer teams gave us many helpful hands, including our Rotary exchange student from Holland, Sem.  Thank you fellows!
As the holiday season comes to a close, we want to extend a huge thanks to Rosie's Restaurant, and our server Shyla, for the great service, food, and welcoming environment. 
We also inducted a new Paul Harris Fellow at our annual holiday gathering: our club secretary Sylvie. We were also thankful to have Celeste, the Major Gifts Officer for Rotary Foundation, attend our holiday party as a guest to recognize past-District Governor Eric for his dedication to the foundation. What a great way to end the year!
President John and Nancy welcomed our newest member, Larry Jones.  Larry transferred his membership from another club so we know he'll hit the ground running.  Welcome to Service!
February 2025
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Club officers for 2024-2025
President Elect
Vice President
International Service, RYLA
Rotary Foundation (At Large)
Membership Chair
Club Administration
Youth Service
Charitable Assessment
Immediate Past President
Public Image
Community Service
2023 Rotary Sponsors
      Gold Level

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Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

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